ExaySRO Roadmap

   🟢 Done    

  • Academy and Honor Rank
     * Graduate at Lvl 130 only
     * Get Points by killing Uniqs
     * Get Points by Voting
     * Get Points from Daily Quests

    ✅ New Premiums, obtainable by Voting / Crafting with Uniqs drop materials / Silks.
    🧚 New wings effect

    ✅ More Sunfire/Aurora/Celestial drops from Uniqs and FGW
  • ✅ Free Reborns on character creation are now 150.
    ✅ The Sea of Resentment collection have as reward Devil`s Spirit S (M or F)
  • ✅ D14 Items at character creation are Max plus, 100% Stats and FB
  •   Prison in game added
    ⛔ Disabled Mounting a Pet during the Fort War.
  • ✅ Thief avatars added
    ✅ Sunfire craft option
    ✅ 5kk and 10kk Silks Scroll
  • ✅ D21 added to game

🔜 Coming Soon

  • 📜 To add Scroll => D14 Max plus, 100% stats, FB for all D14 Wep/Shield/Set/Acc)
    📜 To add Scroll => D15 FB for Wep / Shield / Set / Acc
    📜 To add Scroll => D21 Max plus/100% Stats/FB for Wep / Shield (3 different scrolls)
  • 👹 Unique scrolls, to be used in specific area only.
    👹 Uniques to drop crafting materials
  • FW winning rewards (delivered to Guild Storage).
    To check if possible to reward FW winners with Honor Points for rank.
  • 👹 ⛔ There will be some changes made to low uniques (Tiger girl, Uruchi, Lord Yarkan, Captain Ivi, Cerberus, Demon Shaitan, Isyutaru) If you have more than or equal to 250 Reborns and kill them, you will receive NEGATIVE (-5) points for Unique and Honor rank.

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China vs Euro

China 55.4% China
Euro 44.6% Euro

Online:142 / 666

Cap:130 Lvl

EXP & SP999 x5

Gold & Drop999 x5

Max Reborns300

Free Reborns150

IP Limit4

Server online! 11 Years

Jangan 20% Tax Immortals

bandit Bandit  20% Tax N0_Gu1ld

Trader Trader
Hunter Hunter
Thief Thief
ExaySRO Telegram

Last PvP

Horrorist owned _NoName_

_NoName_ owned Horrorist

Horrorist owned _NoName_

_NoName_ owned Horrorist

JustRelax owned _NoName_

_NoName_ owned JustRelax

_NoName_ owned JustRelax

_NoName_ owned JustRelax

JustRelax owned _NoName_

Horrorist owned ultim8noob


_Samsony_: wts gondola

_Nycolasyw_: wts colection book full devil =2m

_HeKToR_: wts elixir wep dr 21


Snake_Girl: WTS nr 9 shadow dress +8

_Nycolasyw_: wts coilection book full devil

Snake_Girl: wtb d15 weapon pm or d15 shield ^^

KingOfUniq: WTS 27 Shadow Dress M +6 Clean

Snake_Girl: wtb silent dress Nr 11 (f) pm

Titus_Alexiu: wts elements roc pm

Unique kill history

wastl killed Apis

Aleksander killed Harrison

Aleksander killed Venefica

TorreWilson killed MOB_JUPITER_BAAL

wastl killed BeakYung The White Viper

TorreWilson killed GebeleiziS

wastl killed Anubis

Aleksander killed Launatune

TorreWilson killed Seth

Aleksander killed Demon Shaitan

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